Yankee Chapter: Making Waves With Old Outboards

Lowell MA 2007

Jim Moffatt hosted a real wet meet at Lowell on May 19th! In attendance were Matt M., Bob Z., Ray S., Bill A., and TC Carder.

There were a total of 5 boats in the water: Jim's Duratech Pram-Line with a 1930 Johnson A-50, TC with a Johnson QD-12, Ray with a 50's Evinrude Fastwin or Fleetwin, a Feathercraft deluxe runabout w/ restored `56 Mark 30 and Matt's unknown fiberglass boat with a `62 Merc 250 (painted to match boat)

It was mostly misting so everyone could talk comfortably under umbrellas. All in all about 12-15 people attended. Everyone went home soaked, exhausted and happy.

Feathercraft with Mark 30
Matt M's restored boat & Merc 250
Jim M's Duratech with 1930 Johnson A-50

Yankee Chapter: Making Waves With Old Outboards


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