Yankee Chapter: Making Waves With Old Outboards


Wayland/Lake Cochituate - July 21st 2007

The Wayland/Lake Cochituate meet was a success again this year. We had about 15 members present and old iron of all varieties on the water. Some of the 20's motors included Johnson models B and A-25, a Caille Pennant, a first year Elto ruddertwin and an Evinrude model N. There were several 30's and pre-war 40's motors as well. The 50's motors were present in full force including beautifully restored big-iron Evinrudes, Mercs and Johnsons. Many 50's boats were run and Bill A ran his beautiful Old Town wood fishing boat.

Compared to last year we had lots of time to kibitz and enjoy the near perfect weather.

Thanks to the Maffei family for the photos below and the attached video! Click here for the --> WAYLAND VIDEO

Gary M's lineup
Talking outboards in the parking lot
Terry C: "There's outboards in them tharr hills!"
The launch ramp
Bob Z's Sea Nymph and 1955 Johnson 5.5
Ken B's Feathercraft & Big Twin
Ken out giving it a go!
Keith M having fun at the helm of Ken's Feathercraft
Ken's boat next to Rick P's Merc powered one
Close up of Rick's Feathercraft
Out on the lake
Greg S. and his trusty Johnson 5.5hp
Ron M's boat and motors
Keith and Jim take a spin with the Evinrude Model N
Bill A. running his Elto Ruddertwin
Bill A's Old Town - Johnson K in foreground
Close up of Bob Z's '55 Johnson 5 .5
Bob & Pat Z. taking that 5.5 out for a run
Kevin M. out for a run
Well loved Johnson LT
Early Mercury K!
The lineup on the beach - my favorite shot of the day!
What's wrong with this shot? Two guys in Mercury caps working on the Johnson!

Yankee Chapter: Making Waves With Old Outboards

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