Yankee Chapter: Making Waves With Old Outboards


West Barnstable MA Meet - September 16th 2006

By correspondent Rick W.

Hosts Bob G. and Charles B. ordered up perfect fall weather and had a good turnout for their Cape Cod meet, despite a forecast of morning clouds and showers. The meet was held in West Barnstable, along beautiful route 6A. The atmosphere is quiet and relaxed, a nice change of pace from some of the larger swap meets. I was able to leave with the load in the back of my truck considerably lighter, which made the day all that much better. Thanks go out to Bob and Charles for another great meet.

Thanks to Rick W. for the write-up and photos!

Terry C. and son Eamon
Bill A. and Dean P.
The ladies enjoy chatting in the shop
Meet host Charles B's grandson Alex B. According to Mom, his favorite book is Peter Hunn's "Beautiful Outboards"
Bob and Pat Z. with their pride and joy
Meet host Charles B's grandchildren checking out their next purchase
Bill A. and friends discussing old outboards
Bill A. and Tom M. with Tom's son David examining a potential purchase - hope it's and Evinrude Model N!
Bob G. checking out the latest in outboard Technology by Eska
Dick P. How can you beat these prices?
Dean P. - Professional salesman
Another great day for an outboard meet!
Bob Z's Evinrude 3hp providing a fragrant morning aroma

Yankee Chapter: Making Waves With Old Outboards

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